Wednesday, July 3, 2024

June 2024

 It has been soooo long. Years actually. I even forgot the password. Sufi already 12years old and I blessed with another girl Hannah now 8years. And we gone thru lots of things. Hence that make me stop planning of future - not like me used to be. I dont know if it is correct or it is wrong, but I just believe in Allah and have faith on HIS decision. I work my best and let it be.

We at Ooreedo Run - Doha 2024

Nothing more important to me other than my kids. I worked hard for them, and them always be my priority. I always pray Allah will keep us together forever.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Praise only to Allah


3tahun aku x blogging. slepas kehadiran FB, then kawin then ada anak.

Aku dikurniakan hadiah x ternilai oleh Allah pada 28 Feb 2012. Seorang anak perempuan; Ainul Sufi Umairah (Pemaisuri bermata suci)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Windu semuaaaaaaaa!

Peh.... lama gler aku x bkk blog ni..
siap create br tu..
tp ada kelainan ler blog lagi 1 tu..
spenuhnya english..
dan bnda2 ilmiah jer.
xde merapu, merapik dan personal stori mcm kat blog ni...

gembira sgt2 dah blh bkk blog ni.
aku lupa passwordnyer.. so ni create password baru.
pasword nk canggih & abis sekuriti pastu sendiri lupa...
well daya usaha ni smua sbb korang.
Ada beberapa org email aku and YM kata "nape lama x update blog?"
rupanya ada gak org setia ngn blog lama aku ni..
sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang korang!
muah! muah!

well sape nk bfikir2 blh lah g kat blog baru k.